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Active Server Pages FAQ



Database Components Forms Filesystem Email Dates General



#2195  What are the limitations of Access?
#2191  When should I use a recordset object (ADODB.Recordset)?
#2009  Why do I get database-related 80004005 errors?
#2201  Where can I get basic info about using stored procedures?
#2126  How do I make DSNs without calling my ISP?
#2149  How do I upload images to a database?
#2188  How do I deal with MEMO, TEXT, HYPERLINK, and CURRENCY columns?
#2168  How do I connect to an Access database / text file on another web server?
#2193  Why does RecordCount return as -1?
#2120  How do I page through a recordset?
#2174  How do I get the ID number of a just-inserted record?
#2035  How do I deal with an apostrophe (') in a SQL statement?
#2096  What is wrong with 'SELECT *'?
#2080  What are reserved Access, ODBC and T-SQL keywords?
#2038  Which is better, rs(0) or rs("fieldname")?
#2062  How do I solve 'Operation must use an updateable query' errors?
#2112  Should I use ADOVBS.inc for declaring constants?
#2073  Why should I avoid NULLs in my database?
#2097  What is wrong with 'LIKE *'?
#2214  What do I need to know about the differences between Access and SQL Server?
#2132  How do I retrieve a random record?
#2154  Why do I get General error Unable to open registry key 'DriverId'?
#2182  How do I upsize from Access to SQL Server?
#2177  How do I get column names and datatypes for a table?
#2178  Schema: How do I get the tables out of a database?
#2260  Can I fix this mm/dd/yyyy <-> dd/mm/yyyy confusion once and for all?
#2057  How can I tell which version of MDAC I'm running?
#2128  Why do I get 80040E10 errors?
#2010  How do I hide system tables in SQL Server's Enterprise Manager?
#2194  How do I prevent my ASP pages from waiting for backend activity?
#2186  How do I connect to SQL Server on a port other than 1433?
#2121  Why does ASP give me ActiveX errors when connecting to a database?
#2102  Why do I get 800A0BB9 / 800A1391 errors?
#2086  Why do I get 'Syntax Error in INSERT INTO Statement' with Access?
#2150  How do I prevent NULLs in my database from mucking up my HTML?
#2037  How do I find a stored procedure containing <text>?
#2155  How do I enable connection pooling?
#2029  How do I create a database from ASP?
#2142  Why does Access give me 'unspecified error' messages?
#2145  How do I debug my SQL statements?
#2159  How do I access MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT values from SQL statements?
#2190  Can I compact / repair / synchronize an Access database from ASP code?
#2440  Why am I having problems with SQL Server 2000 SP3?
#2082  How do I get rid of Named Pipes / DBNMPNTW errors?
#2130  How do I handle BIT / BOOLEAN fields in a query?
#2248  How do I simulate an array inside a stored procedure?
#2118  How do I sort out an AND/OR query with an unknown number of parameters?
#2246  Why do I get 'BOF or EOF' errors?
#2138  I get "Login failed for user '\'." in SQL Server, why?
#2160  How do I know which version of SQL Server I'm running?
#2288  What is this 'Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors' message?
#2423  Where else can I learn about SQL Server?
#2123  Schema: How do I get the stored procedures out of a database?
#2241  How do I present one-to-many relationships in my ASP page?
#2083  How do I solve 'ADO Could Not Find The Specified Provider'?
#2152  How can I make my SQL queries case sensitive?
#2206  Why doesn't SQL Server allow me to separate DATE and TIME?
#2105  Schema: How do I show all the triggers in a database?
#2165  Why does my DELETE query not work?
#2104  Schema: How do I show all the primary keys?
#2442  How do I manage SQL Server / MSDE?
#2287  Why do I get 80040e31 / 'Timeout Expired' errors?
#2326  Why do I get 80040e09 errors?
#2400  Why do I get 80040E14 errors?
#2041  Why do I get the error 'Command text was not set for the command object'?
#2231  Should I index my database table(s), and if so, how?
#2342  How do I get the latest version of the JET OLEDB drivers?
#2148  Why do I get weird results when using both AND and OR in a query?
#2164  Why do I get 80040E37 errors?
#2015  How do I determine if a number is odd or even?
#2146  How do I connect to a non-default instance of SQL Server?
#2273  How do I get the number of rows in a table, or all tables?
#2197  How do I enumerate through the DSNs on a machine?
#2209  How do I document / compare my SQL Server database(s)?
#2345  What are the capacity specifications for Access, SQL Server, and MSDE?
#2259  How do I solve 'Could not find installable ISAM' errors?
#2229  Where can I get this 'Books Online' that people keep telling me about?
#2289  Why do I get 80040E57 / 80040E07 errors?
#2220  Why do I get SQLSetConnectAttr Failed errors?
#2275  Why do I get 800A0CC1 errors?
#2426  Which database should I use for my ASP application?
#2343  What are the limitations of MSDE?
#2061  Why do I get 'Argument data type text is invalid for argument [...]'?
#2237  Can I start IDENTITY values at a new seed?
#2245  How do I time my T-SQL code?
#2306  How do I limit the number of records returned in my resultset?
#2279  How do I convert columns of values into a single list?
#2307  Why do I get 'Operation is not allowed when the object is closed' errors?
#2461  Why can't I install SQL Server on Windows Server 2003?
#2337  How do I protect my stored procedure code?
#2319  How do I deal with multiple resultsets from a stored procedure?
#2016  How do I temporarily disable a trigger?
#2361  Why do I get 80040E21 errors?
#2320  Why do I get 800a0cb3 errors?
#2354  What datatype should I use for my character-based database columns?
#2243  Why does AbsolutePosition return as -1?
#2244  Schema: how do I retrieve the description property of a column?
#2282  How do I search for special characters (e.g. %) in SQL Server?
#2348  Can I have optional parameters to my stored procedures?
#2428  How do I get a list of tables and their record counts?
#2312  Why can't I use LIKE '%datepart%' queries for dates against SQL Server?
#2327  Why do I get 800a01fb errors?
#2427  How do I return row numbers with my query?
#2285  Why do I get 800A0E7D errors?
#2340  Why do I get 80040200 / 80040514 / 800A0E7A errors?
#2446  Why is tempdb full, and how can I prevent this from happening?
#2450  How should I store an IP address in SQL Server?
#2239  Why does Enterprise Manager crash when I get an error in a stored procedure?
#2272  Why is Query Analyzer only returning 255 characters of my VARCHAR / TEXT column?
#2359  How do I start SQL Server Agent from ASP?
#2284  Why do I get 'object could not be found' or 'invalid object name'?
#2431  How do I remove duplicate rows from a database table?
#2351  How do I determine if a database exists?
#2352  How do I handle alphabetic pagination?
#2256  What does "ambiguous column name" mean?
#2394  Can I use the NZ() function without getting 80040E14 errors?
#2350  How do I determine if a table exists in the database?
#2445  How do I handle REPLACE() within a TEXT column in SQL Server?
#2441  How do I protect myself against the W32.Slammer worm?
#2332  Why do I get 80040e4e errors?
#2301  Why do I get 'Not enough space on temporary disk' errors?
#2314  How do I determine if a column exists in a given table?
#2292  Why can I not 'open a database created with a previous version...'?
#2447  How do I get the nth row in a table?
#2439  How do I use GETDATE() within a User-Defined Function (UDF)?
#2438  How do I output a SQL Server query to a text file?
#2434  Why can't I use the TOP keyword?
#2448  How do I monitor when data changes in a SQL Server table?
#2293  Why do I get script errors in Enterprise Manager's 'taskpad' view?
#2381  Why do I get 80040E24 errors?
#2367  Why do I get 800A0C93 errors?
#2449  How do I recover data from SQL Server's log files?
#2467  Should I use recordset iteration, or GetRows(), or GetString()?
#2328  Why do I get 80040e30 errors?
#2370  Why do I get 80040E2F errors?
#2437  How do I find all the available SQL Servers on my network?
#2433  Why is my app slow after upgrading from SQL Server 7 to 2000?
#2454  How do I protect my Access database (MDB file)?
#2432  How do I get the correct date/time from the msdb.sysjob* tables?
#2455  Which tool should I use: Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer?
#2451  How do I convert a SQL Server DATETIME value to a Unix timestamp?
#2417  Why do I get 80040E54 errors?
#2409  Why do I get 80070070 errors?
#2406  Why do I get 8002000A errors?
#2462  How do I write a SQL query that turns rows into columns, or vice-versa?
#2463  How do I list the parameters (and datatypes) for a stored procedure?
#2460  Can I make SQL Server format dates and times for me?
#2465  Where can I learn more about "Yukon" - the next version of SQL Server?
#2436  Why do I get errors about master..spt_values?
#2464  What are all the valid style parameters for converting datetime values to strings?
#2466  How can I learn more about undocumented SQL Server stored procedures?
#2459  How do I upsize my MSDE database to full-blown SQL Server 2000?
#2475  Should I use a #temp table or a @table variable?
#2469  Why is Enterprise Manager slow at expanding my database list?
#2456  Schema: How do I get a list of databases in my server?
#2470  How do I handle error checking in a stored procedure?
#2458  How do I determine if a specific SQL Server table exists?
#2471  How do I reclaim space in SQL Server?


#2053  How do I store objects or components in session/application variables?
#2087  DLL: How do I avoid 'Permission Denied' when re-compiling?
#2031  When does ASP release COM objects?
#2207  How do I generate PDF files from ASP?
#2184  How do I detect browsers without components?
#2135  How do I determine if a COM object is installed?
#2185  Why does Browscap give me 'unknown' or tell me IE is Netscape?
#2134  Why do I get 800401F3 / 800A01AD errors?
#2091  Why do I get 'Server.CreateObject Access Error'?
#2131  Why do I get 8007000E errors?
#2225  Where can I get a shopping cart for my web site?
#2199  Where can I get an updated Browscap.ini?
#2203  How do I pass server-side values to a client-side ActiveX control?
#2336  Should I instantiate my COM object with CreateObject or Server.CreateObject?
#2216  Can I code ISAPI filters / extensions with Visual Basic?
#2395  How do I generate RTF documents from ASP?
#2396  How do I determine if an object exists?
#2322  Why do I get 8000401A errors?
#2435  Should I close my objects and/or set them to nothing?
#2362  Why do I get 8007007E errors?
#2397  How do I handle MD5 from ASP?
#2393  Why do I get 80040111 errors?
#2388  Why do I get 80040112 / 8007045A errors?
#2407  Why do I get 80072EE2 errors?
#2391  Why do I get 80072EE5 errors?
#2385  Why do I get 800A005B errors?
#2411  Why do I get 80040514 errors?
#2357  Why do I get 800A0030 errors?
#2410  Why do I get 800C0007 errors?
#2341  Why do I get 80040460 errors?


#2189  How do I upload files from the client to the server?
#2052  How do I change the target frame or window of a response.redirect?
#2028  How do I validate a credit card number in ASP?
#2153  How can I mimic a client-side POST from ASP?
#2036  How do I iterate through a form collection?
#2106  How do I validate forms using server side script?
#2111  Which should I use: Request("item") or Request.Form("item")?
#2019  Why does my input type=text value get truncated?
#2008  How do I retrieve the name of the form that was submitted?
#2270  How do I make one dropdown depend on another?
#2020  Why does my form variable become 'value, value' instead of 'value'?
#2223  What is the limit on Form / POST parameters?
#2077  What is the size limit of a posted FORM field?
#2222  What is the limit on QueryString / GET / URL parameters?
#2116  How do I cause/prevent ENTER being used to submit a form?
#2166  When I'm uploading files, why can't I access the request.form collection?
#2215  How do I perform spell checking from a web page?
#2242  When I have multiple submit buttons, how do I tell which was clicked?
#2264  How do I retrieve the text and the value from a <SELECT> element?
#2213  How do I disable certain FORM elements?
#2234  How do I make form fields read-only?
#2255  Why won't my <TEXTAREA> display the data I passed to it from ASP?
#2230  How do I disable IE's Autocomplete feature?
#2235  How can I programmatically interfere with the INPUT TYPE=FILE element?
#2204  How do I pass x-y coordinates to ASP, after the user clicks an image?
#2353  How do I submit a form to a new window, with the control of window.open()?
#2253  Why do I get 'HTTP 405 - Resource Not Allowed' errors?


#2042  How do I dynamically include files?
#2039  Where can I find info on working with files and FileSystemObject?
#2170  How do I create / manipulate images from ASP?
#2025  How do I sort a list of files?
#2129  How do I make the filename correct for the client, when using binaryWrite?
#2180  Why does FileSystemObject hang all of a sudden?
#2072  How do I get the name of the current URL / page?
#2090  Why do I get 'Permission Denied' errors with FileSystemObject?
#2074  Can I rename a file using FileSystemObject?
#2276  How do I prevent people from 'leeching' my images?
#2089  Why do I get 'Path not found' errors with FileSystemObject?
#2236  Can I place a file on a user's hard drive without bothering them with a prompt?
#2205  Why do I get permissions errors after upgrading to Windows XP?
#2211  How do I get a list of a folder's subfolders?
#2208  Can I include a file in both server-side script and client-side script?
#2277  How do I prevent people from 'leeching' my CSS or JS files?
#2278  How do I prevent that ugly red x when an image is missing from my server?
#2101  Why do I get 'Invalid procedure call or argument'?
#2425  How do I use FileSystemObject to create a file on the client?
#2088  Why do I get 'Disk not ready' errors with FileSystemObject?
#2296  How do I determine the owner of a file?
#2302  Why do I get an 'Invalid Path Character' error?
#2303  How do I change the modified time of a file?
#2429  How do I retrieve a random file?
#2316  Why is 'the operation completed successfully' an error message?
#2379  Why do I get 800A0034 errors?
#2387  Why do I get 800A0BBA errors?


#2119  How do I send e-mail from ASP?
#2026  How do I send e-mail with CDONTS?
#2032  How do I put carriage returns into an e-mail?
#2268  Why does my CDONTS mail hang out in the queue or pickup folders?
#2403  How do I send e-mail from SQL Server?
#2339  Can I use a remote SMTP server with CDONTS.NewMail?
#2238  How do I validate an e-mail address?
#2291  Why can't ASP handle 80,000 e-mails?
#2252  Can I get CDO messages to return a read receipt?
#2254  Why do CDONTS messages end up in the badmail folder?
#2295  How do I prevent my links from wrapping in an e-mail?
#2308  Where can I get more information about configuring and using CDO / CDONTS?
#2305  Why does CDO.Message give me an 8004020f error?
#2372  Why do I get C00402CE / C00402C7 errors?
#2315  How do I alter the priority of a CDO message?
#2418  Why does CDO.Message give me 80040222 errors?
#2405  Why does CDO.Message give me 80040213 errors?
#2386  Why do I get 80040108 errors?
#2365  Why do I get 8000900F errors?
#2377  Why do I get 80090020 errors?
#2378  Why do I get 8004020A errors?
#2474  How do I send e-mail in HTML format?
#2468  Should I use form action=mailto: to mail the results of a form?


#2040  Could I get a little help with dates?
#2023  How do I delimit dates for inserting/updating a database?
#2049  How do I select time only from a DATETIME column?
#2024  Why does JavaScript's document.lastModified() not work in ASP files?
#2093  Can I get millisecond accuracy in ASP?
#2192  How do I display time in military format?
#2313  How do I format a date in ways not offered by FormatDateTime?
#2233  Given two dates, how do I determine an age?
#2280  Should I use 'BETWEEN' for date queries?
#2309  How do I implement a calendar / datepicker in ASP?
#2218  How do I convert local time to UTC (GMT) time?
#2347  Why do I have problems inserting NOW() into a database?
#2219  How do I determine the number of seconds since 1/1/1970?
#2271  How do I convert a timespan, in seconds, to HH:MM:SS?
#2444  Are there any shortcuts to calculating dates, such as first day of the month?
#2453  How do I count the number of business days between two dates?


#2022  How do I prevent my ASP pages from caching?
#2059  How do I execute a DOS command / batch file / exe from ASP?
#2173  How do I read the contents of a remote web page?
#2109  Why do I get a 500 Internal Server error for all ASP errors?
#2171  What is this 'ASP 0115' error?
#2014  How do I control printing from ASP?
#2183  Where else can I learn about ASP?
#2017  How do I disable the back/forward buttons?
#2143  How do I schedule ASP files?
#2043  How do I get screen resolution from ASP?
#2078  What is wrong with Session_OnEnd()?
#2055  How do I use ASP to [...]
#2114  How do I control access to an area?
#2012  How do I get the user's IP address or browser information?
#2081  How do I make sure my ASP question gets answered?
#2001  How do I make JavaScript send values to ASP?
#2163  How do I protect my ASP code?
#2075  Where do I get ASP?
#2172  How do I manage a session across multiple windows?
#2251  How can I track when my site is added to a user's favorites?
#2058  How do I detect ENABLED cookies / javascript?
#2162  How can I give them a better 404 message?
#2011  Why do I get an HTTP Header or Object Moved error when trying to redirect?
#2181  How do I run ASP on other web servers besides IIS?
#2045  Does order matter when using different languages in ASP?
#2169  What is wrong with Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")?
#2161  How do I prompt a "Save As" dialog for an accepted mime type?
#2046  How do I get the login name / username from the person visiting my page?
#2167  How do I get IntelliSense to see ASP 3.0 methods?
#2071  What's the deal with IIS 5.0 and ASP 3.0?
#2002  How do I make sure people go to page x before page y?
#2136  Why do I get script errors on one machine but not another?
#2157  Why won't my session variables stick?
#2064  Where can I host ASP pages for free (or at least cheap)?
#2066  How do I increase timeout values?
#2217  What do I need to know about Response.Redirect?
#2084  When I run a page in my browser, why does the ASP code not execute?
#2147  Why does IIS 5.0 stop serving ASP pages?
#2006  Why am I having problems with Server.Execute and/or Server.Transfer?
#2079  Can I run IIS on Windows Millennium or Windows XP Home?
#2141  How do I make my ASP page pause or 'sleep'?
#2003  How can I stop Photoshop from opening ASP files?
#2076  Why does global.asa not fire?
#2004  Why does my page render (properly) in IE and not in Netscape?
#2044  Why does REMOTE_HOST return an IP address instead of a name address?
#2113  Why is Netscape slow in IIS 5.0?
#2176  Should I use VBScript or JScript for ASP?
#2027  How do I make Visual InterDev's debugging features work?
#2054  How do I persist a shopping cart without session variables?
#2013  Can I detect plug-ins/ActiveX controls from ASP?
#2050  How do I fix the ::$DATA bug?
#2021  How do I access my server's registry from an ASP page?
#2187  How do I zip / unzip files from ASP?
#2067  Can I create an array's size dynamically?
#2033  How do I execute a ping command from ASP, and retrieve the results?
#2065  How do I embed apostrophes (') and quotes (") in a string?
#2092  How do I time my ASP code?
#2069  Can I use IP address to uniquely identify visitors?
#2151  Is there an easier way to patch my server(s)?
#2070  Why can't I pass querystring information AND links to #bookmarks?
#2139  How do I stress test my ASP application?
#2047  Why can't I use #EXEC in an ASP page?
#2424  How do I make my ASP pages more efficient?
#2158  How do I make my ASP page refresh?
#2005  Why can't I browse localhost without a connection?
#2098  Why do I get 'Name redefined' errors?
#2198  How do I send a MsgBox or InputBox from ASP?
#2144  How do I refresh global.asa without restarting the application?
#2110  How do I FTP files from ASP?
#2060  How do I use extensions other than .ASP for ASP files?
#2103  Where can I find out about .NET?
#2227  Why does DLLHOST.EXE take all my memory and/or CPU?
#2175  How do I protect my client-side JavaScript code?
#2007  Why do I get an 'overflow' error using CInt?
#2095  How do I access all active sessions on the server?
#2085  Should I use sessionID to uniquely identify users (e.g. primary key)?
#2355  How do I solve 'Event ID 5' errors?
#2108  How do I generate unique GUIDs from ASP?
#2030  Why won't QueryString values work with Server.Execute?
#2099  What is this error 'An unhandled data type was encountered'?
#2224  What kind of object is Response.Crackers?
#2034  Can I run IIS 5.0 / ASP 3.0 on Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 9x?
#2265  How do I warn people when their session is about to expire?
#2413  Why do I get non-database-related 80004005 errors?
#2068  How do I get the lbound/ubound of the nth element in a multi-dimensional array?
#2179  How do I comment blocks of ASP code?
#2125  How do I solve 'The server failed to load the application' errors?
#2051  What is this 'Cannot detect OS type' error with NT 4.0 Option Pack?
#2100  How do I embed ASP delimiters (<% or %>) in a string?
#2056  Can I host multiple sites in Workstation or Professional?
#2281  How do I set session variables from client-side script?
#2094  Can I dictate the load order of files on the client from ASP?
#2232  How do I make the search engines index my ASP pages with QueryStrings?
#2018  Where can I find out about running Perl in IIS?
#2226  What is Event ID 36, and how can I get IIS running again?
#2335  How do I log / track ASP errors on my web site?
#2140  How do I determine which version of IIS / ASP I'm running?
#2269  Should I use the .inc extension for my include files?
#2200  How do I turn a KB Article #, like Q191987, into a usable URL?
#2107  How do I host multiple web sites on one IIS box?
#2249  Can I perform simple encryption / decryption in ASP?
#2117  How do I round a number *properly* with VBScript?
#2115  Why do I get 800A0414 errors?
#2389  Why do I get errors in the 800A0001 -> 800A000F range?
#2133  How do I know which version of VBScript my server is running?
#2124  How do I change document names / extensions in IIS / PWS?
#2257  Why are people telling me to fix my clock / timezone?
#2196  I have plenty of RAM, why do I get an 'Out of memory' error?
#2156  How do I detect the browser's encryption level / cipher strength?
#2221  Why do I get 'Type Mismatch' when using the Session object?
#2266  Why do I get 'HTTP 500-12 Application Restarting' errors?
#2228  How do I display the Euro symbol (€) in my ASP pages?
#2048  Why do I get 'HTTP/1.0 Invalid Application Name' errors?
#2127  What do I do when IIS 5.0 will not start?
#2263  How do I get the computer name / IP address of the server?
#2283  Why do I get the error Object Required: ''?
#2267  Why do I get 'The RPC Server is Unavailable' messages?
#2421  Why do I get 80020009 errors?
#2311  How do I generate a treeview from ASP?
#2247  How do I change a list into a set of table rows and columns?
#2137  How do I solve 'The specified procedure could not be found' errors?
#2240  How do I protect my images and other visual content?
#2286  Why does session.abandon not take effect right away?
#2261  Why can't I retrieve custom header information from Request.ServerVariables()?
#2122  Why do I get an error about a 'Smart HTML interpreter'?
#2212  How do I convert exchange rates in ASP?
#2274  How do I convert numbers into words?
#2323  Why do I get 8000FFFF / 8002802B errors?
#2390  Why does IsNumeric() return true for some strings that contain characters?
#2300  How do I pad digits with leading zeros?
#2063  How do I embed a TAB character into source code?
#2297  How do I deal with disappearing application variables?
#2356  How do I solve 'The Requested Resource is in Use' errors?
#2443  How do I put my ASP application onto a CD-Rom?
#2369  How do I make hyperlinks out of plain text URLs and e-mail addresses?
#2404  How do I decode an encoded URL?
#2346  What could cause all of my session or application variables to disappear?
#2262  Why can't I turn buffering off using Response.Buffer in IIS 5.0 and up?
#2344  How do I highlight words in a string?
#2298  How do I perform a Whois / DNS lookup from ASP?
#2321  How do I redirect a user to https:// if they access a page with only http://?
#2366  Why do I get ASP 0113 / Script timed out errors?
#2290  How do I make sure the client is still connected before processing?
#2202  How can I increase the amount of connections in Workstation / Professional?
#2250  How do I find out the amount of space left on my server?
#2330  Why do I get 80020005 errors?
#2310  Why do I get 'Object doesn't support this property or method' errors?
#2210  How do I change the default server scripting language in InterDev?
#2299  How do I convert a name to proper case?
#2349  Can I have optional parameters to my subs / functions?
#2333  Can I mimic VBScript's trim, ltrim, rtrim in server-side JScript / JavaScript?
#2414  Why do I get errors in the 800A0400 -> 800A0415 range?
#2334  How do I get the server's timezone information?
#2317  Why am I getting 'subscript out of range' errors?
#2358  Why does GUID not work correctly with response.write?
#2325  Why do I get 80010108 errors?
#2304  How do I prevent 'Invalid use of Null' errors?
#2399  How do I make sure an entered string contains only valid characters?
#2383  Why do I get ASP 0101 errors?
#2398  How do I print the first n characters of a large block of text?
#2401  How do I parse the domain name out of a URL?
#2338  How do I convert from Hex to Decimal and back?
#2363  Why do I get 800A0401 errors?
#2294  What is this 'A script block cannot be placed inside another script block' error?
#2258  Why am I having problems installing Visual Studio.NET RTM?
#2402  How do I parse the file name out of a path or URL?
#2430  How do I count the number of times x occurs in string y?
#2318  Why do I get 80090016 errors?
#2360  Why do I get 80070057 errors?
#2412  Why do I get ASP 0130 / ASP 0131 errors?
#2422  Why do I get errors in the 800A0030 -> 800A003A range?
#2415  How do I make sure my servers have the same time?
#2384  Why do I get 8002000E errors?
#2364  Why do I get 800A01F4 errors?
#2371  Why do I get 'Invalid Default Script Language' errors?
#2376  Why do I get 800A0408 errors?
#2392  Why do I get 80070034 / 80070035 errors?
#2416  Why do I get 800A03EC errors?
#2373  Why do I get 800A01C2 errors?
#2457  How do I prevent people from printing my ASP page?
#2329  How do I convert old IDC / HTX pages to ASP?
#2324  Why do I get 80020003 errors?
#2419  Why do I get 80010105 errors?
#2331  Why do I get 80029c84 errors?
#2408  Why do I get 80070056 errors?
#2368  Why do I get 800A03F6 errors?
#2452  I called Session.Abandon, why are my session variables still there?
#2382  Why do I get 800A138F errors?
#2375  Why do I get ASP 0158 errors?
#2380  Why do I get 8004E00F errors?
#2374  Why do I get 800A01CA errors?
#2420  Why do I get 800A01F9 errors?
#2472  How do I read the event log from ASP?
#2473  How do I parse / analyze IIS Logs?
#2476  Why won't my ASP pages work in IIS 6.0?