1. Introduction
2. Getting Started
3. Attachments
4. Embedded Images
5. Security
6. Unicode
7. Queuing Part I
8. Queuing Part II
Object Reference
Newsletter Signup
Chapter 1: Introduction
Covers general AspEmail features, system requirements, and the installation procedure.
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Covers sending simple text and HTML email.
Chapter 3: Attachments
Covers sending email with file attachments. Also covers AspUpload usage in conjunction with AspEmail.
Chapter 4: Embedded Images
Covers sending email with embedded images.
Chapter 5: Authentication & Security
Covers SMTP authentication, as well as S/MIME encryption and digital signing of messages.
Chapter 6: Unicode & Non-ASCII Support
Covers AspEmail's foreign alphabet support.
Chapter 7: Message Queuing, Part I
Covers message queuing and deferred processing functionality.
Chapter 8: Message Queuing, Part II
Covers logging and bounced-message handling.
Object Reference
Detailed description of all properties and methods.
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Persits Software, Inc.
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