ASP Simple Upload

Example 1

In this example, we are going to create a very simple page that accepts an upload via a form and puts it into a directory on your server.

Note: The directory /Uploads should be created in your web server root before running this example. Also, be sure to have the permissions set for this new directory to allow "Everyone" read/write access.  If you are going to copy and paste this text, please remember to remove the line numbers. 


Line # HTML
1 <%
2 Option Explicit
4 Dim upl, NewFileName
6 Set upl = Server.CreateObject("ASPSimpleUpload.Upload")
8 If Len(upl.Form("File1")) > 0 Then
9     NewFileName = "/Uploads/" & upl.ExtractFileName(upl.Form("File1"))
10     If upl.SaveToWeb("File1", NewFileName) Then
11         Response.Write("File successfully written to disk.") 
12     Else
13         Response.Write("There was an error saving the file to disk.")
14     End If
15 End If
16 %>
18 <html><head><title>ASP Simple Upload Example #1</title></head></title>
19 <body>

<form method="POST" action="Example1.Asp" enctype="multipart/form-data">

21 Select a file to upload: <input type="file" name="File1" size="30">
22 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload Now">
23 </form>
24 </body>
25 </html>


Line # Description
1 Starts the ASP code section of the file.
2 Forces us to declare all of our variables.
4 Declares the variables that we're going to use in the code.
6 Create an instance of the Upload component so we can use it throughout the code.
8 Check to see if the user uploaded a file. If they did, this will contain the name of the file on their hard drive. Also, note that we us the component to get the form fields, not the Request object. You must use the component to read the form variables in all of the forms with file uploads on them. 
9 Set the NewFileName variable to the /Uploads/ directory in our web server root and append just the name of the file that was uploaded.
10 Save the file to the our web server. This method automatically calls the Server.MapPath for you so you don't have to figure out where your website is physically located. The first parameter of SaveToWeb is the field name (File1) and the second parameter is the location and filename you want to save this file to.
11 If the save was successful, we tell the user.
13 Otherwise, tell them the upload failed.
16 End the ASP part of the page.

Start our form making sure to set the method to POST and the enctype to multipart/form-data.

21 Add the file input tag to the form with the type of file and the form field name of File1 and a form field length (on the screen) of 30.
22 Add the submit button to the form so that after they select a file to upload they can submit it to this page for processing.
23 End the form
More information can be found at the vendors site at