ASP CDONTS Mail Component Tutorial
The CDONTS component is a great email component to use on your ASP pages.
Below are some sample CDONTS Mail scripts to use on your ASP pages:
To send a text-based message using CDONTS:
dim mail
'Create the object
set mail = server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
mail.From = "" 'This is the address that
the email is
coming from.
mail.To = "" 'This is the email address
that you are
sending to.
mail.Subject = "Here is the subject" 'The subject as it will
appear in the
mail.body = "The body of the email." 'Place the body here.
'If you want to place a carriage return in the body use vbCrLf.
mail.Send 'Send the message out.
set mail = nothing 'Clean up after yourself.
To send an HTML-based email using CDONTS:
'Place these before the mail.body.
mail.mailFormat = 0
mail.bodyFormat = 0
To send an attachment using CDONTS:
mail.AttachFile server.MapPath("attachedfile.asp") 'You must
use the exact server path.
To send a carbon copy using CDONTS:
mail.Cc = ""
To display a message in the from section:
mail.value("Reply-To") = ""
mail.from = "I am sending this to you"
'Your message will now display in the from email address instead of your
email address.
'If someone replies to your email, they will still reply to
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